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super robust halfshrike, 3 cm wide 11 furdesigns available
Halfshrike-collar for medium and big dogs, 11 fur designs available
Halfshrike-collar for small dogs, 11 fur designs available
Furimitation comfort leash 2m long, 3x adjustable 3 sizes and all furdesigns available!
Harness for small dogs (zb. pudel) 1x adjustable lots of colors available!
Dog collar for big dogs. 4cm wide ca 39-61cm
Fluffy fur-imitation collar - customize collar
Dog collar with fur-imitation, 6 sizes available
Leash 2,0cm wide, 2m long, 3x adjustable -all colors available
Leash 2,0cm wide, 1,20m long with holding strap -all colors available