
FE leash DELUXE 1,2m

FE leash DELUXE 1,2m
FE leash DELUXE 1,2m FE leash DELUXE 1,2m FE leash DELUXE 1,2m FE leash DELUXE 1,2m

from 26,00 EUR

Finalprice § 19 UStG. excl. Shipping costs

Shipping time: 3-4 Days

Product no.: FE leash DELUXE 1,2m

In this Version:

Fur-imitation leash DELUXE
1,2m long with a high quality snap-hook and holding strap

the fur-imitation is like a tube arround the webbingband.

2,0cm wide for smaller dogs below 13 kilo
2,5cm wide for dogs up 13 Kilo

for dogs under 13 kilo we recommend a 2,0cm wide leash because of the lighter snaphook!